A Hybrid compensation plan, is a plan wherein a company makes a combination of two or more traditional compensation plans. Several companies have been undertaking this task to keep up with the competition of the growing market. To elaborate more – several companies use binary compensation plans but prefer to have a pay-out structure of generation plan. To know more about the Hybrid Plan Contact us!

Advantages of Hybrid Plan

  • The Hybrid plan is always a combination of the different plans so it's always beneficial from both the Company & Networkers point of view.
  • A Hybrid plan helps you grab more potential consumers & increase sales. As people with strong networking quality helps in growing the network & People with strong motivational quality helps drive the Resales.
  • Hybrid Plan helps you create more opportunities for earning, being a combination of two or more well know compensation plans.
hybrid plan


role of ventaforce in hybrid plan

Loyaltech Infosolution plays an integral part because we know software is the heart of direct selling business. We are aware that the Binary plan is immensely popular and so we successfully customize the plan as per our customer’s requirements. Not only this, but we also design direct selling software that is country specific. Thus, we make sure to abide by exclusive features from our end that satisfy our customer's needs. We have an efficient team who has been pleasing our clients with top-notch services.


Better Understanding for your requirement and business

Positive Attitude in resolving queries

Helps you grab more potential consumer & increase sales